Baby Steps for Lots of Steps and Ramps

skate-sign The Council moved one step closer in making a Skate Park a reality for Patterson youth.

The Council approved a $6,000 expenditure to proceed with construction documents for the proposed skate park. Wally Hollyday was on hand to review the plan concept with the Council and provide information on the next steps that would be needed.

Parks and Rec Director Adrienne Chaney made some excellant points regarding the grant money that she will be applying for this year. By proceeding with the construction docs, Patterson’s application would have more weight in receiving funding. The most interesting grant she plans on applying for is the Prop 84 monies that could register the  City a significant amount and possibly the majority of money needed to make the project a go. The other grants she will be applying for are the Stewardship Grant $200,000 and Tony Hawk Foundation for $25,000.

The estimate for the 14,000 square foot facility was $635,000. Wally Holliday noted that the costs could be much less as constructions costs have fallen since he originally began the design process. Once the docs are complete we should a a better idea of the exact cost and our needs for funding for the Park.

~ by skatemom on January 21, 2009.

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